Hi I.C. - my heart goes out to you.
There is light at the end of this tunnel - as well as a P.M.
Talk any time - and gain strength & comfort!
so, so much has happened in my life over the years and continues to happen, but i won't go into the details as it would take a long time.. i don't really know why, but i returned to "the truth" 15 years ago.
in 2012 when the tv broadcasting station launched, i started to develop doubts.
the australian royal commission and other scandals made me angrier, and i now don't believe most of the core teachings.. the only reason i show up at 5 or 6 meetings each month is to keep in contact with my parents and a few other family members.. but it's killing me, literally.
Hi I.C. - my heart goes out to you.
There is light at the end of this tunnel - as well as a P.M.
Talk any time - and gain strength & comfort!
ok, so try and follow me here.... according to jw doctrinal teachings, the gb are "christ's brothers".
humans are all "god's children".
so does that make the gb our "uncles"?.
Easy - Anti-Christs.
NWT, p. 1693 - Antichrist. "The Greek term has a twofold meaning........It may also refer to a false Christ, one in the place of Christ. All people, organizations, or groups that falsely claim to represent Christ....................... can properly be called antichrists."
(1 John 4:3) "But every inspired statement that does not acknowledge Jesus, does not originate with God.....this is the antichrist’s inspired statement...."
Think about the G.B. - inspired Memorial talk; when the speaker directs virtually everyone to reject the bread & the wine - thereby disavowing what Christ instructed.
jv chap.
6 pp.
69-70 a time of testing (1914-1918) - "march 15, 1918, the watch tower society released the tract kingdom news no.
“a bigoted class of men who have systematically endeavored......to throttle all Bible teaching unless it comes through them.”
Keep in mind that this accusation comes from the alleged God-selected "faithful slave" - isn't this exactly what the current "slave" dictated in the September 2007 Kingdom Ministry - "Don't do any research of doctrines in groups which are not under our control."
jv chap.
6 pp.
69-70 a time of testing (1914-1918) - "march 15, 1918, the watch tower society released the tract kingdom news no.
jv chap. 6 pp. 69-70 A Time of Testing (1914-1918) - "March 15, 1918, the Watch Tower Society released the tract Kingdom News No. 1. - “Religious Intolerance - Pastor Russell’s Followers Persecuted Because They Tell the People the Truth.”.....The instigators? The tract pulled no punches in pointing to the clergy, who were described as “a bigoted class of men who have systematically endeavored......to throttle all Bible teaching unless it comes through them.”
The coal calling the kettle black - yet again!
Intolerance? Inconceivable within the WTBTS! :(
i work in the city, the liverpool convention is this weekend.
what better way to spend my lunch hour than pop over to the liverpool echo arena and see my daughter.
im in jeans, tshirt, adidas tracksuit jacket and worldly beard.
I have been informed by two trusted JW sources that 2 sisters at different conventions - one in England and one in Scotland - were refused entry to the arenas because they didn't have lapel badges!
Be prepared P.E. :)
Anyone else experienced this?
watchtower november 2017, page 10, paragraph 8 - "today, a christian guilty of serious sin needs to seek the help of congregation elders to recover.
) why is this so important?
first, the arrangement for elders to handle cases of serious sin comes from jehovah, (2nd lie!
Watchtower November 2017, page 10, paragraph 8 - "Today, a Christian guilty of serious sin needs to seek the help of congregation elders to recover. (1st lie!) Why is this so important? First, the arrangement for elders to handle cases of serious sin comes from Jehovah, (2nd lie!) as outlined in his Word. (Jas. 5:14-16) (3rd lie) Second,...." (Let's quickly move on now brothers & sisters, because these 3 "truths" have been satisfactorily answered from the paragraph)
The perverting of the James scriptures by the "faithful slave" - in order to reinforce the unscriptural and evil practice of "compulsory confession" - should be proof enough that the WTBTS serves no god except itself.
In the RNWT, James 5:14-16 says this, "Is there anyone sick among you? Let him call the elders of the congregation to him, and let them pray over him, applying oil to him in the name of Jehovah. And the prayer of faith will make the sick one well, and Jehovah will raise him up. Also, if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. (by whom - the elders????????) Therefore, openly confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed"
1) Sick among you - not a serious sinner.
2) "If he has committed sins" - the word 'serious' is missing!
3) "Openly confess your sins to one another". Are J.W. elders obliged to openly confess their serious sins to publishers in their congregations? If not, the org's mandatory confession is a one-way street!
The Greek word which many Bibles (not all) translate as 'sin', actually means any of the following; "faults, offences, trespasses, to err, be mistaken, miss the mark, or wander from the path."
Jesus' words at Matthew 18:15-17 command Christians how to deal with serious sins - between the people directly involved, and no confession to elders!
Witnesses - examine the gulf between what the org says and what is really true.
it-2 pp.
61-62 jesus christ - "they [1st century christians] recognized him as their lord........because of his kingly position and authority.
it was in the full regal as well as priestly authority represented by jesus’ name that his followers preached.....to the “name” of this divinely commissioned king, the lord jesus christ.
w16 May p. 11 par. 12 - "What has been the record of Jehovah’s Witnesses? They are the only ones who preach that Jesus has been ruling as King since 1914."
it-2 pp.
61-62 jesus christ - "they [1st century christians] recognized him as their lord........because of his kingly position and authority.
it was in the full regal as well as priestly authority represented by jesus’ name that his followers preached.....to the “name” of this divinely commissioned king, the lord jesus christ.
it-2 pp. 61-62 Jesus Christ - "They [1st century Christians] recognized him as their Lord........because of his kingly position and authority. It was in the full regal as well as priestly authority represented by Jesus’ name that his followers preached.....to the “name” of this divinely commissioned King, the Lord Jesus Christ."
i have been dating my boyfriend for almost a year now.
when i met him i had no idea that he was a jehovah witness.
we took a vacation and he lied to his parents about who he was with, and they ended up finding out not only that he way lying, but who i was.
Firstly, welcome to the site.
This is like de ja vu!!!!!! (I am a fading ex-J.W. by the way)
I had a long term connection with a girl who was in exactly the same situation as yourself. She tried every way possible to get the love of her life to waken up to the fact that he was in a cult. After two years of anguish, she was dumped and he returned to the family home! She is now recovering from her lengthy mental trauma and ditching.
Unless your boyfriend can see - and admit it to you & himself - that he's been immersed into a cult, then do exactly as St. George of England advised, run like hell!
I hope your choice comes easily and quickly - whichever way it goes.
...........why would an all-powerful christ, whom the bible describes as having been given "all authority", need 144,000 other king/priests as "helpers" to run his universal organization?
(matthew 28:18) .
1 corinthians 15:25 - "for he [not 144,000] must rule as king until god has put all enemies under his feet.".
Unshacklethechains - "appears to indicate that Christians will rule as kings and priest along with Christ ON the earth."
The problem with the word 'kings' is that early translators have that particular option for the original Greek word. Subsequent translations - including RNWT - clung on to 'kings'. Other alternatives are, to reign as a governor, of the reign of Christians in the millennium, reign with authority.
I say "problem" because Psalm 45:16 prophesies that 'princes' will be appointed on the earth - not kings. Princes are sons & brothers.